Thanksgiving "Turkey Day"

November 25th, 2021

This was the first holiday in the VeVe Vision’s discord! Requirements: Members must post a VeVe-pic of a collectible with a thanksgiving related background/theme and say one reason you are thankful to own a Veve collectible Members who participate will receive a “turkey turkey “ role All members who participate will also be entered into our first discord giveaway -The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comic

The event will take place on November 25th Members will have that day (24hrs Eastern Time Zone) to post their Veve picture

A few Reasons Why All Us Omi Homies are Thankful

Shisahero#5522 Thankful for being able to snag one of the Disney drops and not just get one but land my favorite from all the drops, and thankful for my homie riq who got me into veve and crypto and helped me start changing my life from a not so great one to one that’s starting to turn around and I can make something out of myself for my family and friends. Most thankful for another holiday with my family all the time I have with them means more than everything.


I’m thankful for ; life, my family and friends. Thankful for being blessed with a mindset of conquering financial freedom at a young age (since 17 I’m 21 now). Thankful that i subscribed to veve vision because without them i wouldn’t have gotten my first NFT(storm) nor would i have learned anything about NFTS with out them. Now I’m always looking forward to seeing a “veve vision” notification. It’s apart of my daily routine now . Happy thanksgiving!


This little guy sneaking around my fridge trying to get an early crack at the turkeys feast! This little dude is what got me into collecting on Veve. I’m super hyped for the third season this Sat! #omihomies #futurewealth #donttouchmyturkey


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