How to buy OMI on BITFOREX

Step 1: Get Funds Ready

First off you will need to have CRYPTO or cash settled in an account where you can buy XLM or another CRYPTO. You will need to buy the amount of crypto you wish to purchase of OMI. XLM has very low transfer fee, sends relatively fast, & is fairly stable for this short-term transition.

These are the two ways I frequently use, due to simplicity and personal feeling of extra security with my initial funds, as well as the instant deposit features.

Step 2: Get a BitForex Account

Next we need to create a BITFOREX account / wallet if you do not already have one

Setting this account up is very simple and only a couple of easy steps

Step 3: Sending XLM to BitForex

When using XLM you will need a wallet deposit address & a Memo address to be able to send the crypto. To find your wallet address's on Bitforex click deposit and then search XLM

You will then need to check a little box saying that you understand you need the second memo code in order to send your funds properly!

Then you can either scan the QR code if using two devices or copy and paste the wallet address. Make sure it is the proper address!!!

I used Robinhood for this example. Click the send to enter your address

Do the same for the memo code as the address, and then enter the amount of XLM you desire to transfer. If you have never done this I recommend only sending a small amount at first to make sure you did it right and so you can see how long it takes to arrive

After you send the crypto and enter the authenticator app code for Rohinhood you will get a transfer screen like this

Step 4: Selling The XLM

The transfer can take between 2-15 minutes so don't expect the XLM to be in the new wallet instantly. Once the XLM arrives your overall account balance at the top of the mobile app will go up. Click the assets tab in the bottom right corner to switch between your holding wallet and your Spot account which is where you can sell. If you hide the 0 balance you can see your XLM balance.

Next you will want to hit the transfer, so we can get the XLM into the Spot wallet

Once that is transferred over to the spot wallet you will want to click the spot button at the bottom in the middle of the mobile app.

For reference, the middle number (red circle) is the current price of XLM, the midpoint of the ASK & BID. All the red #'s above that are SELL orders & the green #'s below it are BUY orders. You will want to switch over to the SELL at the top right (red arrow). You can set the price you want to sell at & how much you want to sell. To get filled on the order right away click the highest green number with enough volume to fill your order.

Once the order is sent through it will show up on the bottom of this screen

Once the order has been filled it will disappear and you will now have USDT instead

Step 5: Buying OMI

Once you have USDT switch over to OMI and start a buy order instead of a sell order type. Enter the amount you want to buy and for what price and send the buy order through.

Once that order goes through we highly suggest that you transfer the OMI from the SPOT account back to the wallet and to a ledger or off exchanges!!!!! There are many ways to buy OMI but this is how we have always done it, & it has little fees attached.


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